Explore DesHCA's Designs

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Housing LIN

The Housing Learning and Improvement Network, or Housing LIN, is a knowledge hub and network that brings together professionals in housing, health, and social care across Scotland, England and Wales to share innovative housing solutions to meet the needs of an ageing population. With over 25,000 industry members, Housing LIN has strong connections across sectors, and a record of influencing policy and practice on a national scale.

Housing LIN aims to increase awareness about the housing and care needs of disabled people, as well as older people with and without disabilities. They regularly act as a champion for housing with care organisations, and promote innovations in Extra Care Housing and other areas of innovative supportive design. You can read more here.

They support the DesHCA project through providing their insight and expertise in the fields of housing and commercial business, supporting participant recruitment, and sharing the project findings through their networks and events.

Kingdom Housing Association

Kingdom Housing Association is a social landlord with over 5000 properties across East Central Scotland. Based in Fife, Kingdom aims to provide great homes and services to the people in their communities by providing customer focused services and added community benefits.

They believe that supportive home design has the potential to improve the lives of tenants, staff, and members of the wider community by providing evidence based, scalable solutions to real-world problems. You can find out more here.

Our partners at Kingdom Housing Association support the DeHCA project through promoting access and awareness, aiding in recruitment, participating in research activities and sharing the findings and guidance developed by the project.


MEDIVA is a healthcare consulting and service operation company based in Japan. They provide consultations and direct care services through teams of doctors, nurses, and rehabilitation specialists for people living in Japan.

MEDIVA stands for “MEDical Innovation and Value-Added”, which forms the core of their philosophy as they aim to provide innovative, patient-centred healthcare for patients at every stage, from lifestyle management and illness prevention to early detection, rehabilitation, and palliative care. You can find out more here.

Our MEDIVA partners represent a broad range of experts from the fields of sociology, economics, information engineering, and medicine. They contribute to the DesHCA project by sharing their insight and expertise, and providing an international insight into the findings and recommendations developed throughout the project.