Designing Homes for DesHCA is an innovative and ambitious UKRI-funded research project based at the University of Stirling.
Funded by the UKRI in March 2021 as part of its ambitious healthy ageing challenge the DesHCA project represents a vital step of preparing for a future where almost 25% of the UK population would be over 65, many of whom will be living with a health condition that significantly impacts them on day-to-day basis. By examining the issue from all sides, collecting data from architects, designers, builders, occupational therapists, local authorities, and older people themselves, DesHCA has been able to gain a clear insight into some of the key challenges standing between us and a more creative, attractive, and age-inclusive future.
Exploring the challenges and opportunities around age-inclusive design and adaptation from a range of perspectives allowed us to examine each part of the housing cycle, from exploring how houses could be designed and built to provide more support to the people living inside them, to working with local authorities and housing providers to explore how retrofitted adaptations could be provided to older people across the UK to have a better quality of life within their own home.
This website acts as the main connection between DesHCA and the outside world, between the data we have and the people that can benefit from it. Here you can find out more about the project itself, including our methods and activities, the research team involved and our industry partners, or learn more about out findings by reading through our blogs, exploring our designs, or downloading our resources.
Whoever you are, whether you’re an expert in the field or someone who has
never even thought about how someone might make a more futureproofed, age-inclusive,
or dementia friendly home before, the DesHCA project has something for you.
You can navigate by clicking on one of the headers above or start by choosing one of the sections below.

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We have complied resources for academics and researchers, professionals, policy makers and the public based on our findings and research.
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from DesHCA here
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